About Sonia

My Yoga Journey

Yoga is a way of life, how our bodies move off the mat, throughout our daily lives. How we absorb and exchange energy with the elements, what we consume, physically and mentally. 

Through my purpose and passion for yoga, I want to honour its lineage. My heritage is Indian, Punjabi, I come from an expansive culture which trusts and surrenders to the divine powers. It guides you to respect this vessel your soul has occupied during this lifetime.

I am Sikh, I come from a long line of humanity warriors. It stems from Hinduism, and my yoga journey has brought me closer to my history and culture - and so I am careful not to appropriate it or do a disservice.

My Yoga Journey is an ongoing quest, growth, unlearning and tuning into what my purpose is. My physical practice started in my 20’s with Ashtanga and Hatha yoga, and after having children, it became more of who I was becoming, or needed myself to be.

From the food I eat, to the beautiful people I have in my life, to finding a channel which helps me balance and integrate my busy life, to personal grounding practices - Yoga has healed me.

It has focused my mind. It had stregthened my body. It has spoken to my mind and heart. Whatever I needed at that time in my life, it helped unfold, unlearn and begin again.

Utkata Konasana (Goodess Pose) Chand Yoga with Sonia

Asanas reduce fatigue and sooth the nerves. But their real importance lies in the way they train and discipline the mind. It is a necessary vehicle for the spirit (B.K.S Iyengar )


Asanas reduce fatigue and sooth the nerves. But their real importance lies in the way they train and discipline the mind. It is a necessary vehicle for the spirit (B.K.S Iyengar ) 〰️

What is Yoga?

The yogi conquers the body by practice of asana and makes it a fit vehicle for the spirit  (B.K.S Iyengar)

…he does not merely think of his perfections, but of his senses, mind, intellect and soul.

At its literal definition Yoga means to create union, to yoke, yuj with the Divine.

Through stilling the mind, through purification of the inner body, and control of our senses, we meet the universal energy – AUM. The creator, the destroyer of all. There is only ‘Ek’ One. No beginning, no end.

Yoga is used as a broad term, a path to Aum. From the Upanishads, compiled verses over 8,000 years old, to the Bhagvad Gita, the Song of the Lord, some 5,000 years ago, and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika - to be yoga, is a journey. Just these three texts alone devote significant attention to the importance of controlling the mind through mediation and practice and breath. Becoming conscious of the subconscious, the divine we are seeking is within us.

From modern day apps like Mindfulness, self-help books, influencers and celebrities, theories like the law of attraction have a root back to the yoga mindset. ‘Once we start to believe we are a storehouse of Infinite Intelligence and boundless love, whatever you want, you draw forth’ (Dr. Joseph Murphy, 2018)